Join our Fight to Help Ukrainians in Desperate Need

The need for clean water in Ukraine right now is real, urgent, enormous and growing.  Millions in this worn-torn country have been left without drinking water and are relying on unsafe sources, leading to disease and death.  World Water Aid, in partnership with its key NGO’s on the ground, has launched a campaign to provide enough Vivoblu filters to save up to 1.5 million lives in Ukraine and refugee camps.  We cannot do this without you.  Join us in our fight to bring life-saving water to victims of the Ukraine war.  Donate today to send portable water filtration systems to people who desperately need them.  

We are sending a team of people to Poland/Ukraine in the first half of May – Help equip them with lifesaving water filters!

World Water Aid has launched an urgent donor campaign to bring life-saving clean water to victims of the Ukraine war.  Utilities and infrastructure have been destroyed throughout the county, forcing hundreds of thousands trapped in Ukraine to seek unsafe water from lakes, streams, drainage ditches and melted ice. Millions more have fled to refugee camps on the borders, where the need for clean water is already desperate.  World Water Aid has established direct channels to bring Vivoblu water filters not only to those in outlying areas and border camps, but all the way into the occupied and most dangerous locations in Ukraine. CNN is reporting that survivors of Russia’s siege on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol are telling reporters that some residents are being forced to collect rain and melt snow for drinking water.


Bring Water and Hope to Ukraine


The situation in Ukraine is dire. Survivors of war are dying from the basic lack of clean water.  They need our help.  Every filter you donate will provide safe clean drinking water for up to 10 people or more.  Our teams on the ground are ready and waiting to deploy them immediately to bring relief to the men, women and children of Ukraine.  While the war rages on, the need is increasing dramatically every day.  But this crisis is far from over. When the war ends and the people of Ukraine return to their homes in areas ravaged by war, the need will increase exponentially as they try to rebuild without access to basic necessities such as safe water.   Help us save lives bring hope to Ukraine.  Join our fight.  Donate now.


Your Donation Goes to Direct Deployment into Ukraine & Border Areas

Through key partnerships as well as our own boots on the ground, World Water Aid brings immediate relief to those who desperately need it right now. One of our key partners on the ground, HelpPeople Ukraine, is a group of native Ukrainians risking their lives to run dozens of missions every day deep into war torn and Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Using private vans and secret routes, they bring more than 2 tons of supplies and food daily for those trapped in ravaged and occupied cities, and then use those same vans to evacuate women, children, elderly and disabled. World Water Aid has come alongside them to provide tens of thousands of water filters, which they can deploy immediately. Other partners—including Convoy of Hope, World Central Kitchen and World Vision—are providing humanitarian aid to refugees on the borders of Poland and Romania, where the need for clean water is growing worse every day. They can help hundreds of thousands of war refugees with our life-saving water filters. They need water filters now.  PLEASE DONATE NOW



The situation is dire. Survivors of war are dying from the basic lack of clean water.  They need your help. Every filter you donate will provide safe clean drinking water for up to 10 people.  Our teams on the ground are ready and waiting to deploy them immediately to bring hope to the men, women and children of Ukraine. Help us save lives today.  Donate now. 





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