In January of 2020, together with our corporate partner, VivoBlu Inc. we began a partnership with a nonprofit in Boneza, Rwanda. A small team of entrepreneurs from Denver, Colorado, led traveled to Rwanda with 250 filters to distribute to families, schools, and the genocide’s widows. On the day of distribution, the community gathered for a celebration as each family received their double bucket system. The community leader was grateful for the filters because he knew it would save lives and personally impact their health, education, and finances.  In total, these filters are providing clean water to over 1,800 people!

Today, ten months after receiving these water filtration systems, each family is experiencing clean water’s health benefits. We look forward to our ongoing partnership with Arise Rwanda.

About Arise Rwanda

Founded in 2011 by John Gasangwa, Arise Rwanda’s mission is to positively transform the people of Boneza out of extreme poverty by focusing on sustainable vocational education, clean and safe water systems, and community/economic development.


