World Water Aid is a US humanitarian 501(c)3 registered organization, providing practical, sustainable, and safe clean water solutions to any and all people around the world who lack clean water in the poorest regions of the world’s developing countries, with a focus on India, Africa and the Philippines. We also provide clean water in the aftermath of disasters.  By working together with our local partners, we can enable entire communities to unlock their potential, break free from poverty and change their lives for good. As we provide clean water around the world, we want to help ALL people — we do not discriminate based on race, color, age,  ethnicity, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status or other factors protected by law.  Since 2015, our corporate partner, Vivoblu Inc., has helped communities access clean, safe water by providing training, expertise, financial support, and water filtration systems through our staff and implementing partners.



World Water Aid grew from the passion and courage of a group of people serving in non-profits worldwide who were inspired to take action as they saw the devastating consequences for people without access to safe drinking water on trips to India, the Philippines and Africa. The team here is committed to providing access to safe water and sanitation as a vital way to improve lives in the developing world. We also educate people about the importance of accessing safe water and sanitation services. We hope to motivate people of all ages to take action and effect positive change in the world. Over the last six years, the team has deployed more than 3,000 water filter systems across numerous countries.



World Water Aid’s humanitarian mission is to work toward ending thirst globally in our generation. We are helping our neighbors all across the globe gain access to safe and clean drinking water, giving them the gift of health and hope, by providing clean, safe water using durable, economical filters that are simple to use and easy to clean. 

We are committed to bringing people together to solve the problem of finding clean water. Whether it’s our local partners in the field, the folks back at our headquarters, our donors and fundraisers or the communities we serve, we believe water doesn’t change everything. People do. These relationships are the heart and soul of our work.



When you support families through World Water Aid, you help bring clean, safe water through water filter systems to families, villages, communities, schools, hospitals, and medical clinics.  We know that a lack of usable water often means disease, hunger and suffering as families get water from dirty rivers and streams, which are contaminated with unseen parasites or bacteria. Your gift of water filter systems make clean water available right in their communities. Choose a gift below and change the future for a child, family, school or community with the gift of life!

We also believe local in-country solutions, through local initiatives, can help end the water crisis one partnership at a time. We can’t wait to bring you into the heart of their stories!




World Water Aid is first and foremost dedicated to creating a world where all people have access to clean, safe water.  We believe that this imperative is in keeping with the traditions of the great faiths of the world, and World Water Aid actively seeks to engage people of all faiths in our mission to end world hunger in our lifetime.

World Water Aid does not evangelize or seek to promote any particular faith or religion.  We adhere to guiding principles that are consistent with the Code of Conduct for Humanitarian Agencies, which include: humanitarian imperative comes first; aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind; and aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint.

World Water Aid may provide meals and other aid to faith-based organizations that have evangelical purposes. Our agreement with these organizations, however, is that meals will not be used subversively, coercively or to promote any religious or political objectives.